Middle East Children's Alliance

Working for the rights and well-being of children in the Middle East.

Amidst the ongoing attack on Gaza, MECA team and partners are providing emergency assistance to families who have fled their homes to seek shelter with relatives as well as procuring emergency medical supplies for hospitals and clinics.

List of civilian casualties of the
War in Afghanistan (2001-present)

Upcoming events and specially scheduled activities will be posted on this page.

Happy Dancing Turtle's Back to Basics, February 15, 2025

Happy Dancing Turtle's Back to Basics event will be held in the Pine River-Backus School on Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pine River-Backus School is located at 319 Murray Ave., Pine River. For more information about Back to Basics, please visit https://www.happydancingturtle.org/back-to-basics.

Fellow BACP-BLUE member Barb Cromwell will host a Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) table during the Back to Basics event.

Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP) Statement on the Ukraine War:

BACP supports an armistice halting the fighting in Ukraine. BACP supports a peace settlement between Russia and Ukraine ending the war.

BACP opposes the U.S. arming Ukraine, training Ukrainian soldiers, imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine, or sending U.S. troops to Ukraine. These actions prolong the Ukraine War and risk a war between the United States and Russia. Instead of taking measures which prolong the war or risk a war between the United States and Russia, the U.S. should support every diplomatic effort to end the war.

BACP supports providing humanitarian assistance to Ukrainian refugees and internally displaced Ukrainians. Ending the war will allow people to return home and rebuild.

BACP opposes the U.S. sanctions regime being imposed on Russia. The sanctions are hurting people who have no control over their government's policy. Sanctions which hurt civilians are a form of war. The imposition of a harsh sanctions regime will only make it more difficult for the U.S. and Russia to reconcile.

The increase in prejudice and discrimination against Russians living in the United States is appalling. There is absolutely no justification for such bigotry. Minnesota has a thriving Russian-American community. Instead of cutting off cultural ties with Russia, the United States should strengthen such ties to increase understanding between Americans and Russians and improve relations between the U.S. and Russia.

BACP deplores the U.S. mainstream media's exclusion of opinions calling for a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine War. The U.S. mainstream media is amplifying demands to escalate the Ukraine War by providing more weapons to Ukraine, imposing a no-fly zone, and possibly deploying U.S. troops to Ukraine.

BACP supports the right to self-determination for people living in the Donbas region of Ukraine. Donbas residents have suffered tremendously since the U.S. and EU-backed coup which overthrew Ukraine's democratically-elected President in 2014. The coup regime consisted of extreme Ukrainian nationalists and Nazi groups such as Right Sector, Svoboda, and the Azov Battalion. Donbas residents, who identify heavily with Russia, revolted against the coup regime. The Ukrainian government used brutal force to try to crush the rebellion. The ensuing civil war in the Donbas region killed 14,000 people. Donbas residents should be able to decide if they want to remain in Ukraine as an autonomous region or become an independent nation. An internationally supervised referendum could be held after the war ends.

BACP supports disbanding NATO. NATO has grown steadily since 1999, incorporating 14 new member nations, all in Eastern Europe. This expansion violates a pledge in 1990 not to expand one inch east of the newly reunified Germany. NATO steadily expanding eastward deeply antagonized Russia. According to a 2008 diplomatic cable written by then-U.S. ambassador to Russia William Burns (now CIA director), virtually all Russians, regardless of political beliefs, oppose NATO expansion. Contrary to a 1997 agreement between NATO and Russia, the U.S. and other NATO nations deployed troops and missiles to the new NATO member nations, built bases in these nations, and conducted military exercises near Russia's borders. Russia considers all of these activities threatening. NATO does not promote peace. Instead, NATO has waged numerous aggressive wars since 1995. These include wars in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Iraq. BACP supporting the disbandment of NATO is in keeping with BACP's longstanding opposition to U.S. military alliances, U.S. military aid, and the stationing of U.S. troops overseas.

BACP supports the U.S. Senate ratifying the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. This treaty, which abolishes nuclear weapons, became international law in 2021 when the 50th nation ratified the treaty. The Ukraine War demonstrates the urgent need to abolish nuclear weapons as a misunderstanding between Russia and NATO nations could escalate the current war into a nuclear war.

BACP joins our allies in Grandmothers for Peace, Veterans for Peace, and Women Against Military Madness in calling for peace in Ukraine and opposing a U.S. war against Russia.

As of September 11, 2023, Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE) has merged with Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP). The monthly meeting will be a joint meeting held the first Monday of each month as indicated below:

We have been holding our meetings on-line via Zoom during the winter. Beginning with the May meeting, we will be meeting either at the UCC Church, 415 Juniper, Brainerd (SW corner of Gregory Park) or at Gregory Park, depending on the weather. An agenda will be provided via email prior to the meeting and that email will also contain another link to join by Zoom during the winter months. Meetings held by Zoom will be limited to 40 minutes. For more information go to the Meeting Notes.

BACP Highway Cleanup

The next highway cleanup will be scheduled for Spring, 2025.

Stop Line 3 Vigils

As of October 12, 2021, the monthly Stop Line 3 vigils are discontinued. Shut Down Line 3 vigils may be held on an occasional basis.

Lending Library: We have available for lending a number of resources: books, DVDs, CDs, documentaries.

Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP) holds our monthly meeting on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at:

(During the winter months of 2024-2025, BACP monthly meetings will held via Zoom.)

415 Juniper, Brainerd
(SW corner of Gregory Park)
or at Gregory Park in mild weather

Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. It tells the history of U.S. foreign wars - from the Indian Wars to the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Hard-hitting, carefully documented with 161 reference notes, and heavily illustrated, this 77-page book reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country. Read Addicted to War to find out who benefits from these military adventures, who pays and who dies.

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.” Albert Einstein.

For comments, inquiries, or suggestions or to make donations, send to:

Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace
P.O. Box 113
Brainerd, MN 56401-0113

Or email: letters@brainerdpeace.org
Or use the form to email (*required):
Email Form

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