2022-23 BLUE Brochure

Upcoming events and specially scheduled activities will be posted on this page.

Happy Dancing Turtle's Back to Basics, February 15, 2025

Happy Dancing Turtle's Back to Basics event will be held in the Pine River-Backus School on Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pine River-Backus School is located at 319 Murray Ave., Pine River. For more information about Back to Basics, please visit https://www.happydancingturtle.org/back-to-basics.

Fellow BACP-BLUE member Barb Cromwell will host a Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) table during the Back to Basics event.

As of September 11, 2023, Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists (BLUE) has merged with Brainerd Area Coalition for Peace (BACP). The monthly meeting will be a joint meeting held the first Monday of each month as indicated below:

Monthly Meeting

We have been holding our meetings on-line via Zoom during the winter. Beginning with the May meeting, we will be meeting either at the UCC Church, 415 Juniper, Brainerd (SW corner of Gregory Park) or at Gregory Park, depending on the weather. An agenda will be provided via email prior to the meeting and that email will also contain another link to join by Zoom during the winter months. Meetings held by Zoom will be limited to 40 minutes. For more information go to the Meeting Agendas and Minutes.

Who We Are


Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists is an inclusive group of people working to support the health of the environment through communication, advocacy and cooperation with broader networks to promote scientifically-sound solutions on issues of climate change and water quality in the Brainerd Lakes Area.

"Great things are done by a series of small things brought together" Vincent Van Gogh

Contact Us

Email: brainerdblue@gmail.com

Or use the form to email (*required):

Email Form
Brainerd Lakes United Environmentalists

Stand Up Brainerd Lakes - Environmental Committee